清华新闻网5月31日电 (通讯员 琴 昊彬 洁 黎 明)日前,外文系“世界地图与世界文化”系列论坛之(二)——清华-索邦学术论在清华大学举行。论坛由清华大学外文系、世界文学与文化研究院和人文学院联合举办。清华大学外文系、历史系、哲学系、中文系、巴黎索邦大学法国文学系与比较文学系、英文系、巴黎高等艺术研究学院近50余名学者和师生代表参加论坛。
论坛开幕式上,清华大学外文系主任、世界文学与文化研究院院长颜海平和巴黎索邦大学法国文学与比较文学系主任Bernard Franco分别致辞,阐述本次论坛的“人文主义与世界主义”主题与当今世界发展格局的学理和现实联系,回顾并展望两校之间进行高层学术对话的历史和前景。
在第二场论坛“视觉文化、人文主义和世界主义”中,索邦大学和巴黎高等艺术研究学院的Bernard Franco、 Boris Grebille、 Adrien Lherm教授、马莎莎、郭佳博士等从媒体形式变革和跨国界文化理解的角度, 探讨了影视、绘画、建筑、文学和翻译对于“世界主义”理念形成和转型的独特影响和行式制约。

供稿:外文系 编辑:李华山
附: 清华--索邦学术论坛日程安排
World Maps and World Cultures: Tsinghua-Sorbonne Symposium
European and Chinese Humanism: Cosmopolitanism in Literature, Visual Culture, and Social Thought
The symposium is a continuation of the previous two international forums on "European and Chinese Humanism", and its focus is to investigate the origin, impact and encounters of Chinese and European humanism, especially in the aspect of cosmopolitanism: How does cosmopolitanism get reflected in European and Chinese literature, visual culture and social thought? What would be the essential elements of cosmopolitan humanities? What are the differences between China and the West in interpreting the "human" values? What sort of clashes and influences did the two have on each other? To what degree did these clashes and influences have had meaningful impact on the rise of modern academic study and the process of modernization in both China and the West? Today when China is furthering the idea of global governance which inherently involves attempts at re-imagining differential human/humanistic communities, the investigation and communication on the above questions would no doubt have important intellectual and practical meanings.
19 May 5月19日 9:00—9:20 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
9: 00 – 9: 10 | Speech by Haiping Yan 颜海平致辞 |
9: 10 – 9: 20 | Speech by Bernard Franco法兰克致辞 |
Session 1 Humanism and Cosmopolitanism in Classics
第1场 中西经典中的人文主义与世界主义
19 May 5月19日 9:20—12:00 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: Haiping Yan主持人:颜海平 |
9: 20 – 9: 25 | Introductory remarks by Haiping Yan 开场白: 颜海平 |
9: 25 – 9: 45 | Xushan Zhang张绪山 Humanistic Ideas in Confucius’ Philosophy 孔子的人本主义思想 |
9: 45 –10: 05 | Jijie Song宋继杰 The Cosmological Foundation of Plato’s Ethical Thoughts and its Comparison with Chinese Pre-Qin Philosophies on Heaven-Humans Relations 柏拉图伦理思想的宇宙论基础(兼与中国先秦天人关系理论的比较) |
10:05 –10:25 | Photo Session 合影(Bingsuo Front Steps丙所门口) |
10:25–10:45 | Weirong Shen 沈卫荣 Qing Cosmopolitanism: A Constructive Approach to Qing History and Modern China 清代的世界性: 研究清史及现代中国的建设性方法 |
10:45 –11:05 | Yuncheng Zhou周允程 Cosmopolitanism Formally Defined: Confucian and Kantian 世界主义的形式化定义:儒家学说与康德主义 |
11:05 –12:00 | Discussion 讨论 |
12:00 –13:00 | Buffet at Jiasuo Restaurant 甲所餐厅自助餐 |
Session 2 Visual Culture, Humanism and Cosmopolitanism
第2场 视觉文化、人文主义与世界主义
19 May 5月19日 14:30—17:30 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
Chair: Li Cao 主持人:曹莉 |
14:30 –14:35 | Introductory Remarks by Li Cao开场白: 曹莉 |
14:35 –14:55 | Boris Grebille Cosmopolitanism, Humanism, Contemporary Art and Art Market 世界主义、人文主义、现代艺术与艺术市场 |
14:55 –15:15 | Bernard Franco James Bond’s Cosmopolitanism: From the Spy Novel Character to the Cinematographic Myth 詹姆斯·邦德的世界主义:从侦探小说的特征到电影的神秘元素 |
15:15-15:35 | Jia Guo郭佳 A Reflection on Translation of Chinese Literature from a Cosmopolitan Perspective – A Case Study of To Live 以《活着》为例:世界主义视角下的中国文学翻译 |
15 :35-15:55 | Tea Break茶歇 |
15 :55-16 :15 | Shasha Ma马莎莎 Image of China in Leibniz and Voltaire: Reflections on the Linguistic and Moral Cosmopolitanism 莱布尼茨和伏尔泰笔下的中国形象:关于语言和伦理世界性的人文关怀 |
16:15-16:35 | Adrien Lherm Turn-of-the-20th-Century US Art and Artists and Late-19th-Century European Cosmopolitanism 十九、二十世纪交替时期的美国艺术、艺术家与十九世纪末欧洲世界主义 |
16:35-17:30 | Discussion |
18:00-19 :30 | Welcome Dinner at Jinchunyuan Restaurant近春园餐厅晚餐 |
19:30-20:30 | IWLC Joint-Committee Working Meeting Jiasuo Conference Room No.1甲所第一会议室 |
Session 3 Humanism:China and the West
第3场 人文主义:中国与西方
20 May 5月20日 9:00—10:20 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
Chair : Bernard Franco 主持人:Bernard Franco |
9:00 –9:05 | Introductory Remarks by Bernard Franco 开场白: 法兰克 |
9 :05 –9:25 | Li Cao曹莉 Conflicted Humanisms and "the Chinese Renaissance" 人文主义的冲突与中国的“文艺复兴” |
9:25 –9:45 | Bin Sun孙彬 Traditional Chinese Concept of Humanity as “Self-discipline Culture” 作为“自律性文化”的中国传统人性观 |
9 :45 –10:05 | Jin Gao高瑾 Ruskin, Aesthetics and Humanism: A Transnational Perspective 美学与人文主义—从罗斯金到朱光潜 |
10:05 –10:20 | Tea Break茶歇 |
Session 4 Linguistic Studies,Humanism and Cosmopolitanism
第4场 语言学研究、人文主义和世界主义
20 May 5月20日 10:20—11:05 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
Chair : Yongguo Chen 主持人:陈永国 |
10:20-10:25 | Introductory Remarks by Yongguo Chen开场白 陈永国 |
10 :25-10:45 | Meihua Liu刘梅华 Humanism in Applied Linguistics: Two Cases from Research on Affective Variables应用语言学中的人文内涵:以情感因素研究为例 |
10:45-11:05 | Honghua He何宏华 Language Universals and Universal Grammar语言共性与普遍语法 |
Session 5 Roundtable
第五场 圆桌讨论
20 May 5月20日 11:05—12:00 Jiasuo Conference Room No.2 甲所第二会议室 |
Chairs: Bernard Franco, Yan Haiping, Shen Weirong 主持人: Bernard Franco颜海平,沈卫荣 |
11:05-11:55 | Re-imagining Cosmopolitan Humanities: Pitfalls and Promises 重绘世界主义人文学:可能与局限 |
11:55-12:00 | Concluding remarks 结束语 |
12:00-13:00 | Buffet at Jiasuo Restaurant 甲所餐厅自助餐 |