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Cheng, X., Yin, L., & Zhang, H. (Accepted, 2024.12.3). Morphological awareness and vocabulary knowledge in monolingual and bilingual
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Yin, L., & Cheng, X. (Accepted, 2024.10.30). Teaching reading. In R. Boobalan, N. Shrivastava, N. Mahendran, & P. Ravichandran (Eds.),
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罗美娜,尹莉,赵呈刚. 教师AI素养的国际研究现状、热点与趋势:基于Web of Science数据库的文献计量分析. 《教育科学研究》,2024(9):73-81
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for Chinese kindergarteners with higher language skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, accepted on 19 Dec 2023.
郑坤, 尹莉, 陈柯燃, 董睿 (2024). 《思维模式对小学生阅读理解能力的影响研究》,《教育生物学杂志》, 2023年12月22日接受
Yin, L., & McBride, C. (2023). A longitudinal study on sensitivity to symmetry in writing and associations with early literacy abilities. Frontiers in
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Lui, K., Ye, Y., McBride, C., Yin, L., & Tse, C. (2023). Reduction in right lateralized N2 error response to stroke order violations in poor Chinese
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Dong, R., & Yin, L. (2023, in press). Visual-motor integration and writing development: A systematic review of empirical research in Chinese.
In Ye, Y., Inoue, T., Maurer, U., & McBride, C. (Eds.), Handbook of Spelling and Writing: Theory, Research, and Practice. UK: Routledge
Yin, L., Lai, J., Zhang, S., Bao, C., & Zhao, J. (2022). Early reading skills in Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder. Reading and Writing.
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Anna Gurevich, 尹莉(2021).《以色列外来移民希伯来语教育的实践和意义》,《语言战略研究》,6(5), 60-68
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Yin, L, Joshi, R. M., Li, D., & Kim, S-K. (2020). Decisions about consonant doubling among nonnative speakers of English: Graphotactic and
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Yin, L. & McBride, C. (2017). Unspoken knowledge: Kindergarteners are sensitive to patterns in Chinese pinyin before formally learning it.
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Xia, L., Wang, Y., & Yin, L.(2024). The role of handwriting in Chinese reading and writing for Children with autism spectrum disorder. The 8th
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Chen, K., Yin, L., Joshi, R., M., Zheng, K., Dong, R., & Xia, L. (2024). Validating the componential model of reading in Mandarin Chinese:
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尹莉,人工智能促进儿童语言和阅读发展的研究与展望。中国图形图像学会菁英青云在线论坛(第39期),2024.8.30 线上直播
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