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英国伦敦大学教育学院 语言学硕士(2004)



2022年6月至今                   清华大学外文系教授

2012年7月至2022年6月     清华大学外文系副教授

2009年11月至2012年7月   荷兰蒂尔堡大学博士后研究员、Babylon多语研究中心副主任

1998年7月至2002年11月   西门子(中国)有限公司商务经理








(1) 董洁等  (2021)社会语言学视角下个共同体。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。

(2) Dong, Jie (2017) The Sociolinguistics of Voice in Globalising China. London: Routledge. ISBN9781138798809.(英文专著,劳特利奇出版社)

(3) Dong, Jie (2011) Discourse, Identity, and China's Internal Migration: The Long March to the City. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. ISBN9781847694201.(英文专著,Multilingual Matters出版社)

(4) Blommaert, Jan &Jie Dong (2020) Ethnographic Fieldwork: A Beginner’s Guide.Second Edition. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. ISBN9781847692955.(英文合著,Multilingual Matters出版社)

SSCI 和A&HCI收录的论文(selected):

(5)Dong, Jie (2021a) Language and globalization revisited: Life from the periphery in COVID-19. International Journal of Sociology of Language. 267-268, 105–110.

(6) Dong, Jie (2021b) ‘Labor is the Most Glorious’: Chronotopic linguistic landscaping and the making of working class identities. Language &Communication. 80, 1-10.

(7) Dong, Jie (2020a) Global Learning from the Periphery: An Ethnographic Study of a Chinese Urban Migrant School. Sustainability. 12(381), 1-14.

(8) Dong Jie (2020b) Space, signs, and legitimate workers’ identities: an ethnography of a Beijing “urban village”. Social Semiotics. 30 (2), 151-167.

(9) Dong, Jie (2018a) Taste, global mobility, and elite identity construction: How Chinese new urban migrants construct elite identities with lifestyle discourses. Journal of Sociolinguistics. 22 (4), 432-453.

(10) Dong Jie (2018b) Language and identity construction of China’s rural-urban migrant children: An ethnographic study in urban public school. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. 17 (5), 336-349.

(11) Dong, Jie (2017a) Chinese elite migrants and formation of new communities in a changing society: An online-offline ethnography. Ethnography. 18(2), 221–239.

(12) Dong Jie (2017b) Voice making in intercultural encounters: the Chinese transcontinental “commuters”. Language and Intercultural Communication. 17 (2), 150–165.

(13) Dong,Jie& Jan Blommaert (2016) Global Informal Learning Environments and the Making of Chinese Middle Class. Linguistics and Education. 34, 33-46.

(14) Dong,Jie& Dong Yan (2013) Voicing as an essential problem of communication: Language and education of Chinese immigrant children in globalization. Anthropology & Education Quarterly. 44 (2), 161-176.

(15) Dong, Jie (2010) The enregisterment of Putonghua in practice. Language & Communication. 30 (4),265-275.

(16) Dong, Jie (2009) ‘Isn’t it enough to be a Chinese speaker’: language ideology and migrant identityconstruction in a public primary school in Beijing. Language &Communication.29(2),115 –126.

(17) Dong, Jie& Jan Blommaert (2009) Space, scale and accents: constructing migrant identity in Beijing. Multilingua. 28(1), 1 – 24.


(18) Dong,Jie (2013) Mobility, voice, and symbolic restratification: An ethnography of ‘elite migrants' in urban China. Diversities. 14(2), 35-48.

(19) Dong,Jie (2013) When modern public space encounters postmodern migration: Abnormality and the making of migrant identities. Sociolinguistic Studies. 6(2), 239-258.

(20) Dong, Jie (2010) Neo-Liberalism and the evolvement of China’s education policies on migrantchildren’s schooling. The Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies 8(1), 137 – 160.

(21) Dong, Jie (2015) Mobility, voice, and symbolic restratification: An ethnography of 'elite migrants' in urban China. In Blommaert, Jan, Ben Rampton, Karel Arnaut and Massimiliano Spotti (eds.) Language and Superdiversity. Routledge.

(22) Kroon, Sjaak, Dong Jie, & Jan Blommaert (2015) Truly moving text. In Stroud, Christopher &Mastin Prinsloo (Eds.) Language, Literacy and Diversity: Moving Words. Routledge: New York. Pp. 1-15.

(23) Kroon, Sjaak, Jie Dong, and Jan Blommaert (2013) Chinese and globalization. In Duarte, Joana and Ingrid Gogolin (eds.) Linguistic super-diversity in urban areas – research approaches. John Benjamins: Hamburg.

(24) Dong, Jie& Yan Dong (2012) Chinese on the move: An ethnographic study of language change and migration. In 周庆生、董洁(2012)语言变化与生态环境。知识产权出版社:北京。Pp. 29-42.

(25) Dong, Jie& Jan Blommaert (2010) Space, scale and accents: constructing migrant identity in Beijing. In Collins J. and S. Slembrouck (eds.) Globalization and Languages in Contact. New York: Continuum, Pp. 42 – 61.

(26) Blommaert, Jan &Jie Dong (2010) Language and movement in space. In Coupland, N. (ed.)

Handbook of Language and Globalisation. Oxford: BlackwellPp. 366-385.


(27) 董洁(2021)从“农民工”到工人:城市化进程中流动人口的语言身份认同。《语言战略研究》6 (3), 25-34。(中文核心期刊,CSSCI收录,人大复印转载)

(28) 董洁(2019)家庭中的“声音”:海外华人家庭语言规划案例二则。《语言战略研究》4 (2), 51-59。

(29) 董洁 (2016)“城市新移民”的语言身份认同。《语言战略研究》1(1), 50-55。

(30) 董洁(2015)“全球化语境下北京“海归”的语言社会身份:民族志个案研究报告


(31) 董洁 (2015)“城市新移民”的语言身份认同:民族志研究案例。语言战略研究。1,50-55。

(32) 董洁(2013)民族志研究视角下的语言身份认同:两例北京农民工子女个案。语言学研究15,155-164。(中文核心期刊,CSSCI收录)

(33) 董洁(2011)北京农民工子弟的语言使用和身份认同,《中国语言生活报告2011》。商务印书馆。130-136。

(34) 董洁& Jan Blommaert (2011) 比利时语言问题与政府危机。《中国语言生活报告(绿皮书)》。商务印书馆。353-361。

(35) 董洁& Jan Blommaert (2011) 语言的空间移动。中国社会语言学, 16,1-9.。


(36) 周庆生、董洁(2012)语言变化与生态环境。知识产权出版社:北京。



Dong, Jie (2020) Language and Globalization in Covid-19. 3rd International Conference on Sociolinguistics. Prague, the Czech Republic, 26-28 August 2020 (Keynote speech). (Delayed to 26-28 August 2022 due to the pandemic).捷克,布拉格。

Dong, Jie. (2012) 11 Nordic Conference on Bilingualism. Copenhagen, Denmark, 15-18

July 2012 (Keynote speech). 丹麦,哥本哈根。

Blommaert, Jan &Jie Dong.(2010) Language and movement in space: two paradigms. The7th International Conference on Chinese Sociolinguistics. Xining, China, 16 – 22 July 2010 (Keynote speech). 中国,西宁。


(1) 中国社会语言学会常务理事

(2) Cogent Arts & Humanities(ESSCI期刊)语言学专业主编

(3) Language & Communication(SSCI期刊)编委会委员


(5) Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development(SSCI期刊)编委会委员

(6) International Journal of Sociology of Language编委会委员

(7) 外语教学与研究出版社当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库学术委员会委员

(8) 担任国际国内期刊同行审阅:Language & Communication,Journal of Sociolinguistics,Language Policy,Journal of Modern Languages,Visual Communication,Journal of Asian Pacific Communication,Linguistics &Education,Journal of Intercultural Studies,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development,Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies,《语言学研究》《中国社会语言学》


(1)主持国家社科基金一般项目“全球化语境下的中国声音”(14WYY001, 2014-2018)









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