1. “Decolonizing Friendship: Emotions and Interracial Intimacy in Dorothea Hosie’s China Narrative.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing, forthcoming. (A&HCI)
2.“Cosmopolitanism, Comparison and Affect: Decolonising Isabella Bird’s The Yangtze Valley and Beyond (1899).” English Studies, vol 103, no.6, 2022, pp. 920-39. (A&HCI)
3.“Disease, Professionalization and Cosmopolitan Encounters: Anne Walter Fearn as a Woman Doctor in China.” Women’s Writing, vol 29, no. 4 (2022): 600-615. (ESCI)
4.“Material Culture, Memory and Mobility in Emily Georgiana Kemp’s Travel Narratives of China.” Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, vol 48, no. 2, 2022, pp. 69-95. (A&HCI)
5.“Vertical Travel and Cosmopolitanism in Florence Ayscough’s A Chinese Mirror.” Studies in Travel Writing, vol. 25, no. 2, 2021, pp. 145-60. (Scopus)
6. “Emotions, Race, and Gendered Mobility in Mary Gaunt’s Narrative of China.” Women’s Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal, vol. 50, no. 7, 2021, pp. 727-46. (A&HCI)
7.《反抗与复兴?莱斯利希尔科〈说书人〉内外的恶作剧者》,《复旦外国语言文学论丛》, 2014年第2期, 第63-67页。(CSSCI)
1.“Canine Companionship, Race and Anthropomorphism in Florence Ayscough’s The Autobiography of A Chinese Dog (1926)and Mary Gaunt’s A Broken Journey (1919),” Beastly Modernisms: Animal Figurations in Modernist Literature and Culture, eds. Alex Goody and Saskia McCracken, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023, pp. 56-72.
1.《文学朝圣之旅的纵深诗学:佛罗伦斯·艾思柯的长江之行》 ,清华大学外文系“外文学术沙龙” ,2022年12月。
2. “Affective Mobility and Ayscough’s Inter-textual Journeys in A Chinese Mirror,” Global Mobility Humanities Conference & Annual Conference of the International Association for the History of Mobility,韩国,首尔, 2023年10月。
3. 《40年英语女性旅行文学研究范式梳理与流动性转向》, 首届外国女性文学学术研讨会,济南,2023年5月。
4.《“知音”:佛罗伦斯·艾思柯的跨文化旅行、翻译与世界主义》, 中国外国文学学会比较文学与跨文化研究会第四届高峰论坛,北京,2023年4月。
6. “‘In time the West must be East again’: The Traveling Tang Poetry, Western Modernism, and Ayscough-Lowell Transpacific Collaboration,” 现代主义研究学会年会(Modernist Studies Association Annual Meeting),2021年11月。
7. “‘[T]his womanish sort of Utopia’: Possibility of an Ethic of Gender in Dorothea Hosie’s Life Writing,” 美国比较文学学会年会(American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting), 2021年4月。
8. “Emotion, Race, and the China Threat: Voices of Ambivalence in G. E. Morrison and Mary Gaunt in China,” Recovering the Lost Voices. 美国现代语言学学会国际会议(MLA International Symposium),2019年7月。
《盗书者》,上海译文出版社, 2025年出版(已交稿)。